Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a complex mental health condition characterised by unwanted, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviours or mental acts (compulsions). These symptoms can significantly disrupt daily life and cause considerable distress. While some find relief in pharmaceutical and psychological treatments, others continue to seek more effective solutions

At Cosmos Health, located in our Southgate - London clinic, we offer MagVenture TMS Therapy® for OCD, a cutting-edge, FDA-approved treatment option.

The nature of OCD.


These are persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that trigger intensely distressing emotions. Despite recognising these as irrational, individuals with OCD cannot dispel these intrusive thoughts through logic alone. Common obsessions include fears of contamination, distressing sexual or violent thoughts, and excessive concern with symmetry or order


In response to obsessions, individuals may engage in repetitive behaviours or mental acts. These compulsions are intended to alleviate distress related to the obsession, whether through direct action (like excessive handwashing) or unrelated rituals that consume much of the person’s day, severely impacting their routine.

Innovative OCD Treatment: TMS Combined with CBT

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) offers a new horizon for those with OCD, particularly for cases resistant to conventional treatments.

TMS uses magnetic pulses to target specific areas of the brain implicated in OCD, aiming to reduce symptoms without the systemic side effects often associated with medication.

Combining TMS and CBT.

By integrating TMS with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), patients can explore and modify the thought patterns and behaviours contributing to their OCD.

This combination not only addresses the neurological basis of OCD with TMS but also equips patients with practical strategies through CBT to manage and overcome the disorder’s cyclical nature of negative thoughts and actions.

What Else Can TMS treat?

Beyond OCD, TMS therapy shows promise in treating a wide range of conditions, including depression, anxiety, various addictions, ADHD, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and more. Its versatility and efficacy make it a valuable option for those seeking alternatives to traditional treatments.

Why choose Cosmos Health for TMS?

Currently, TMS is primarily available through private clinics in the UK. Efforts are underway to collaborate with NHS trusts and clinical commissioning groups to expand access, especially for severe cases.

Approved by NICE in 2015 for depression, the availability of TMS is gradually increasing, with our Barnet / Southgate London clinic leading the way in providing this innovative treatment.

TMS availability.

At Cosmos Health, our approach combines state-of-the-art technology with the deep, personal expertise of our specialist psychologists and TMS practitioners.

While TMS is a significant investment, the potential for rapid, side-effect-free relief from OCD and other conditions offers invaluable hope and recovery prospects.

Begin your journey to recovery

If OCD or another mental health challenge is impacting your life, Cosmos Health can help. Contact us for an initial assessment and to explore your treatment options. Discover the path to a more manageable life, free from the constraints of OCD.