Frequently Asked

Find answers to all our most frequently asked questions and feel free to contact our team if you have any further to ask.

Do I need a referral to book a private therapy session?

No, you can book an appointment with us directly without a referral. If you do have a referral letter from a healthcare professional, we encourage you to share it with us during your booking.

How can I book an appointment?

View our comprehensive list of psychologists and therapists on our website, choose a specialist that suits your needs, and book an appointment at your convenience. If you're unsure which therapist to choose, our medical secretaries are available to assist you in making the right choice.

What will my private therapy treatment plan include?

Your treatment plan will be personalised and may include an official psychological assessment, QEEG functional brain scanning, evidence-based talking therapy, psychoeducation, and a tailored treatment approach based on your unique QEEG results. This comprehensive plan is designed to address your specific needs and preferences.

Can I cancel or reschedule my appointment?

Yes, you can cancel or reschedule your appointment with at least two working days' notice. Please note, cancellations or rescheduling requests made with less than two working days' notice, or failure to attend a scheduled appointment, may incur a cancellation fee.

What happens if I cancel my appointment late or don’t attend?

If you cancel or reschedule with less than two working days' notice or do not attend your appointment, you may be required to pay a cancellation fee, typically the full cost of the appointment. Most insurers will not cover cancellation fees, which will need to be paid out of pocket

What’s included in the cost of private therapy?

Our fees cover all standard procedures involved in your therapy appointments, including assessments, QEEG brain mapping, therapy sessions, and the creation of any necessary letters. Additional services are also included to ensure the highest standard of care.

How can I pay for my appointments?

Payments can be made via card, Direct Debit (GoCardless), or bank transfer, offering you flexibility and convenience in managing your therapy expenses. Before and After Your Consultation

What should I expect before and after my consultation?

Before your consultation, your therapist will review your medical history and ask you to complete questionnaires. After your consultation, they will discuss your treatment plan, write a detailed letter about their assessment and recommendations, and refer you to other medical professionals if required.

You'll also receive support and feedback between appointments via email or phone.